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State of the Union


I'm not gonna lie to you, I havent done all that well with the bloggin'. I'm not exactly sure how to remedy the situation... I think I will start limiting the size of every post... if i wasnt seven beers to the wind right now, i would really be giving this some honest thought... but i am, and at the moment, i'm writin something... so for now, im going to consider this a small victory, and reward myself with numero 8...

which brings me to the next sub-chapter of this entry...


Yup, I'm on 'em. My first holidays of the year... So far, I've been waking up between 9 and 10 every morning (except that one morning i was really hungover)... I then stumble around for about an hour, sometimes lay back down again, listen to the radio... maybe crank up some waylon jennings, and get up... shower. eat. and then its up to the deck... and allow let me to offer this to the masses. if you have a 25x29 foot deck, never let anyone tell you its only a couple days work. it is not. the deck is coming along, but as of tuesday, its far from done.

Myself and Mr. Matiushyk started our holidays together, but he has soured of late... perhaps it was when i slammed the movie theatre door into his achilles tendon last night... perhaps its just that he's stressed out about his garage project... perhaps life has just got him down... or maybe its me (i have noticed a few people distancing themselves from me lately, but i wrote it off to paranoia)... regardless... bowling starts again tomorrow night, and ol' tushy cant stay mad at me during the bowling season... every wednesday night is like christmas.

ive decided to drink a lot more during this, the holiday season... ive become pretty god damn responsible lately, and while i cant really rebel, i can spend the greater part of my holidays partially intoxicated.



The Love Life

Lonely and Celibate. I'm guessin that the the two girls i once thought i might marry, will probably get married next summer. thats really not gonna make me feel too shit hot unless my situation changes sometime soon.


Well, Jay got himself married and moved out... He wasnt really a clean roomate, and he wasnt much for initiative when it came to housework, but ill be goddamed if i dont miss him.

The wedding was quite the experience... cracker that i am, i was sort of in awe of the sikh wedding. and while i have had my fill of indian food for the next year or so, i still throw on the turban and robe and stroll around the house from time to time.


I bought a Land Rover. A 2000 Discovery. I didnt feel like spending anymore money on the ol' Accord, and since of late, I've felt a little souless anyway, i thought i might as well as have the gas guzzlin SUV to go along with the absence of soul. I can use it for work though, so if i do find my soul again, i can still justify the purchase, and the shitty gas mileage.

And Lastly

Check out Fred's blog... I'm quite excited about his new project. My new dream in life is to be a video game consultant on fred's game... I'll wake up really late in the afternoon, sit around eating snacks, and criticize or compliment, as the situation dictates, and help test the game code when necessary. then when the game gets off the ground, he can pay me to write new game content, test the game itself, and/or lead the online support team. naturally i cant reveal the details of the game itself, but believe me when i tell you its going to be goddam fantastic. otherwise, obviously, i wouldnt have endorsed the project, and graced it with my blessing and eventual presence.

That is a damn nice outfit, Nickel. Great update as well.

Indian Cracker!

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