Bowling Team Photo Night
Last night was the first night of league bowling... The league doenst officially start until next week, but on this, the first night of bowling, the teams are allowed to come out, bowl for free, and get a look at how the team's shapin' up for the up and coming season. Aaron and I used this opportunity to hold try-outs for the open two positions on the team this year. It went well all things considered. We now have 3 positions solidified, with the fourth a toss up between Brett, should he want to return to the lineup, and Grant, should he feel he can make the season-long commitment. As it is too hard on either myself or aaron, we will leave it to them to fight it out for the much covetted position, on perhaps the greatest bowling team in north america.
After we finished up on the lanes, myself, aaron and mainprize were discussing that it would have been nice to get a team photo in commemeration of the start of season 5 of the "Balls of Justice". With no access to a camera, it took some quick thinking to figure out how we were going to get that team photo, but in the end, we did manage to come up with a plan.
After we finished up on the lanes, myself, aaron and mainprize were discussing that it would have been nice to get a team photo in commemeration of the start of season 5 of the "Balls of Justice". With no access to a camera, it took some quick thinking to figure out how we were going to get that team photo, but in the end, we did manage to come up with a plan.
Damn those ladies. They are hogging my view of you.
Posted by Fred | Fri Sep 01, 09:42:00 AM PDT
What the? Were you guys required to put your hands in pockets or something?
Posted by VF | Fri Sep 01, 06:47:00 PM PDT
Oh wait..nevermind.
Posted by VF | Fri Sep 01, 06:47:00 PM PDT
we tried for the hands on photo and got in a little trouble... i then wanted to stand in the front and have them grabbinbg my boobs, but they didnt understand the humor in that, so instead of explaining it further, we settled on the pose you see there now.
Posted by Nickel | Sat Sep 02, 09:17:00 AM PDT